Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 months!

Sweet Ava Grace is two months old...and I don't like it one bit! Don't get me wrong, I love her personality coming through, that we have a schedule now, her smiley disposition, the cooing along with it, etc. Its her growing up so quickly that I do not like.

She's our last baby and I think that that makes it all the more difficult.

The one thing she is not lacking is in being smothered daily loved and doted upon. Her brother and sisters would literally hold/touch/kiss her every moment of the day if Daryl and I didn't intervene.

If anything, the poor child will have no concept of personal space! But if that's all she can complain about then all is well =)

I weighed Ava this morning and she is just shy of 12 pounds. I'm soaking her up as much as I can and still feel as though its rushing by us faster than we can take it in. That applies to all our kids right now, though!!

Does anyone know where I can find a PAUSE button on life??

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