Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A couchful!

Since I rarely capture a photo with all the "Tribe" at once, I thought I would entertain you with the following:

The older ones...10 kids in 4 years. Hmmmm, is that a record?

Same shot, another angle. You can see some of the personalities coming out in this one =)

And now for The Couchful.

A true Couchful...all 13 of them...6 years and younger. Now, I'm thinking that that MUST be a record of some type!

And before you ask, let me answer for you:
1. NO, we wouldn't have it any other way.
2. Christmas at Gramma & Grampa's is no different than any other time we all get together--fun, a bit crazy, full of laughs, some tears, LOTS of love, and, yes, a wee bit crazy!
3. My kids think that every one of their friends is their cousin because every one of their cousins is their friend. That makes for alot of interesting conversations around here =)
4. NO, we absolutely DID NOT plan to all be pregnant at the same time, almost every time. It was never even discussed. Thank you.
5. NO, there is nothing "in the water" around here. But if you'd like to try, you're more than welcome. I pray you're blessed as much as we are/have been.
6. YES, they are all ours.
7. NO, we're not crazy and we don't need any sympathy.
8. YES, we've actually joked about having a family-only sports team...a few years down the road. And I would like to think that we'd be pretty good =)
9. YES, Gramma & Grampa think that they are all the best things to ever happen. And each of them knows it both individually and collectively!
10. And thank you to every person in the grocery store, at the mall, at the park, in the restaurant, etc. who has poured out the blessings upon us every. time. we. are. out. in. public. by saying, "Wow, God bless you." The LORD has actually blessed us greatly and we try not to take that for granted!

Now I leave you with one question: Why does everyone always ask about Christmas??


"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him."
Psalm 127:3  (NLT)


Greg & Stephanie said...

Mandy...this is so cute and so funny! I have to say I'm totally jealous. One of my absolute favorite childhood memories was Christmas at Grandma Yount's with what seemed like a bazillion little kids running around. It literally was the highlight of my year. I get a little sad when I think that my kids won't really get to have that kind of an experience. I guess I just started having kids too soon...but I really didn't want to wait forever! :) The boys are in a realm of their own at the holidays, while everyone "makes" over the girls. Fortunately, they are boys, and although they talk about it ever now and then, it doesn't seem to bother them too much. We have tried to stay close to friends who have boys their ages, and it helps. So, for anyone who thinks your productive little family is wierd, I think you are totally blessed beyond measure, and you're going to have a blast for years to come!!!

Sarah said...

aaw my heart hurts. i love this group of 13. and of course i love all the outtings we take

LindaJo49 said...

Many, I LOVE your posts ... knowing your family as we have over the many years (and so glad when you joined it), your posts are so real!! I laugh so much -- out loud, yes! And love your description of your family, your love for each other and above that, how you live out your love for Christ!!!