I love Easter.
Not because of the egghunts and all (although I love watching the kids search for 'em!) but for the true meaning. From Maundy Thursday through Easter Sunday my thoughts are captivated by the God-man Jesus who freely chose to give his life for me. I can't wrap my mind around it! But my heart rejoices!! And I love the way Easter occurs during the rebirth of the earth in Spring. This time of year we're feeling rejuvinated and alive as everything greens up and nature explodes with color and life after what can begin to feel like a long, lifeless winter. Just as after what I can only imagine as two long, lifeless nights of confusion and disbelief for the disciples and followers of Jesus, the women were greeted by bright light and life as the angel came from that dark, lifeless tomb! AMAZING!! Only an amazing Creator could orchestrate something that "coincidental".
This song has been my new favorite this past week. I found it while helping Daryl search for a song to sing Easter morning. Although he didn't sing this one, I think (hope) he will in the future.