Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday?

Good Friday.

Its an oxymoron.

I think about this every time Easter comes around. Why in the world would someone ever call this day good? A day in which Jesus, the Only Son of God, hung on that tree for hours and eventually died while suffering the sins of the world--my sins. Why do we call any part of that good?

While I know the historical and theological explaination/importance of it, I also know my own personal explaination of why one would call it good.

For the exact same reasons that it was so bad.

It had to happen for me and you to have the privilege of coming to the foot of God's Throne. It had to happen to fulfill prophesy. It had to happen because God loves us that much! That alone leaves my head spinning.

 Especially now that I am a parent.

I would do anything for my children.  And I would do anything to insure their safety and security. I now know God's heart for His children on a whole new level. Thinking on the fact that He gave His Only Son to atone for the sins of all people leaves me in tears and on my knees in both humbleness and awe. I can understand His heartbreak at the sight of Jesus hanging on that cross--bleeding, dying, beaten beyond recognition, being mocked and spat upon. And I am humbled all over again because I think about the fact that I would not be able to do that with any of my kids. The anger and devastation I would feel would overwhelm me. I know it because I feel it just thinking about it! And yet God knew it had to be done and Jesus chose to allow it to happen...all because of me, and you, and every single person whom has ever lived or will live on Earth. A people who continually turn away, do their own thing, mock God and His infinite wisdom. A people that despite all of this, God wants not even one to suffer an eternity apart from Him.

Good Friday? Yes! Its a humbling reminder that I will never be good or better and definately not best. Merely forgiven because of the blood shed on that Friday.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5 (NIV)

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