Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Calm in the midst of the storm

I have said it many times and I'll say it again...I do not know how so many go through life without the Lord, without faith, without an Anchor. Today has been one of those days which so many relate to...where everything is out of order and nothing seems to be right! Let me first digress...

We are in the midst of remodeling our home. What started out as a "one room at a time" project totally blew up (ahem, in one day) into an "entire remake of every room in the house AND garage minus the bathroom while we're still (attempting) to live in it" project. And did I forget to mention that the majority of this came without warning?

Yeah. Picture all of that with three little ones and you can get an idea of how much fun it has been!! I have to laugh in spite of myself!! Daryl has been rewarding me with almost daily "Medals of Honor"--more specifically in the areas of Patience, Perserverance, Rolling-with-the-Punches and Oh-Sorry-Honey-Did-I-Forget-To-Mention-That-We'd-Be-Doing-That-Too Award. I often think that our kids are the ones deserving of the awards...their schedules are totally amiss, as are their rooms, beds, house, etc. Nothing is as it has been!

All that being said, today is the first day that I broke down and shed a few tears over the process and called aloud for Jesus to give me strength and patience to see this project through. I don't want to paint an entirely bleak picture--our home was in dire need of a redo (built in the early 80's with no updates since) and it will be fabulous when finished--but I'm ready for it to be completed.

So...I will upload some photos of the process as soon as I have a chance. And pray for us that we are daily reminded that this too shall pass!


Greg & Stephanie said...

Hey! I had no idea about your blog! So glad to catch up with you guys. I'm looking forward to Christmas. It will be so much fun...what are there...five or six new ones since last time?

Greg & Stephanie said...

Wow--we did a remodel, but we didn't have to live in it...big difference! I hand it to you for having patience in a situation like this! I'm sure it will be worth all the hassle, and you've got the best decorating options in the world right down the street! I can't wait to see the Decor. Center. We haven't been there since the remodel.