Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Date: Saturday, March 3, 2001
Place: Whitaker Science Center, Harrisburg, PA
Time: Noon
Event: Our first date and one of the best days of my life!

I will never forget the events that transpired that day--and just how much at work the good Lord was (and continues to be) in our lives. He has blessed me so abundantly through and because of Daryl. I am humbled and thankful every day.

Especially now. Especially when I'm pregnant, feeling sick as a dog, and working lots of shifts on Daryl's downtime. Over the past few weeks my husband has been spring-cleaning our home, overhauled our laundry, reorganized closets, tossed out trash, simplified our space, kept our kiddos well fed and well loved while I'm working, and jumped in to help in so many other ways. His support and love are overwhelming. He is the best.

And he knows it--I tell him everyday :)

To the moon and back, Daryl.


Sarah said...

yay! that was a good time when I found out Mandy and then met you soon after!! you are the one of the best sister-in-laws (Krystal being the other one)what would I do without ya?
love you

KB said...

hey! Didn't know you were prego! When are you due? Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!


Mandy said...

Yep! We're due Oct. 2nd with our fourth (and most likely final)! I'm soooooo ill, but that's nothing new. Was sick with all of them for a long time. Maybe the Lord will surprise me and the puking will only last 3-4 months instead of 7-8?? One can hope! :)

Sarah said...

thanks Mandy that sounds fabulous! pray for me, things are kinda rough right now, I need a job and I just had a fight with my mom and they found another mass in my gma's stomach