Wednesday, January 9, 2008

6 months!

Our sweet little Sophia is 6 months old today! The time is FLYING the third time around. I don't like it :( She's rolling every which way now, still no teeth--but LOTS of drool, she's in love with her feet, is the Queen of Raspberries, loves to snuggle when going to sleep, sings the dearest "sleepy song" to herself, sucks her thumb and plays with hair, thinks her brother and sister are the funniest people on earth, and is the best ego-booster alive. All it takes is looking at her and she's all smiles with her legs kicking wildly! Nonetheless, here are some pictures I took of her today after we sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Enjoy her sweet little face!


Granny said...

I need to visit,and soon!

Adam & Val & Aubrey & Annie said...

She is sooo beautiful!