Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TAG...I'm it!

One of our cousins, Valerie, tagged me on her blog. Here's the scoop on me, Val!

Rules: Answer the following questions, then tag 5 other people on their blogs.

*What was I doing 10 years ago? That would make it Thursday, May 7, 1998. I was 19 and procrastinating, AHEM, I mean preparing for my Spring finals at Messiah College and anticpating heading to Managua, Nicaragua in a few weeks.

*5 things to do today:
1) Hang clothes on the line--DONE!
2) Clean kitchen & fix dinner--DONE!
3) Get to the Farmer's Market for pepper plants to finiah my first HUGE garden!!!
4) Review tonight's youth group lesson
5) Buy blueberry & raspberry bushes

*Snacks I enjoy:
-fresh fruit
-raw veggies--esp. sugar snap peas!

If I were a billionaire: Have my husband invest it, and hence, not have to run his business anymore, travel and see family more often, otherwise I'm not so sure I'd change much...but if I were really honest, I don't think I'd want to be a billionaire--seems they have more headaches than I do! But maybe that's just me :)

*Bad habits I have:I'm a procrastinator, hence the following:
-not promptly folding the laundry (but I have been making improvements!!)
-not cleaning up the kitchen as soon as dinner's done
-not getting things in the mail on time (i.e. birthday cards, gifts, etc.)

*Places I've lived:-Main Street, Fayette City, PA
-Johnson's Hollow, Fayette City, PA
-RD #1 Box 30, Naomi, PA
-Marion Villa Apartments (Projects), Arnold City, PA
-124 Connelsville Street, Fayette City, PA
-64 Woodland Rd, Daisytown, PA
-Chatham College, Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA
-Messiah College, Grantham, PA
-Benque Viejo del Carmen, Succotz, Belize, Central America
-Pennsylvania Place, Harrisburg, PA
-13 Farley Circle, Lewisburg, PA
-526 Market Street, Mifflinburg, PA
-Little Piece of Heaven, Winfield, PA

*Jobs I've had:
Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor in the summers @ Crystal Pool (5 yrs)
Babysitting--ever since I was 7 yrs old!
Assistant in VP office, Chatham College (1 yr)
Resident Assistant, Messiah College (1 yr)
Apartment Life Coordinator, Messiah College (1 yr)
Cleaned homes while at Messiah (3 years)
Personal trainer/assistant to fellow friend/student @ Messiah (2 years)
RN (almost 7 years-present)
MOM (4.7 years-til I'm dead!)

*5 people I want to know more about:-Andrea Witmer
-Stephanie Burley
-Sarah Kline
-Erica Croyle--as if I don't enough already :)
-Everyone who reads this blog and doesn't have their know who you are!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi you guys! I just loved reading your blog today and looking at all of the pictures. The little ones are growing up so fast arent't they? I hope Savannah is feeling much better...she looks pitiful in those pictures. They are just all adorable just like their parents! We love you guys very much and always look forward to seeing you. Take care...Love,Aunt Sarah