Thursday, December 10, 2009

Heavenly Peace

Peace. Serenity. Calm. Joy.

None of these words describe me at the moment.

But they perfectly describe these precious photos of Ava Grace.

Not sure what your day holds. Mine is crazy. And it hasn't quite started.

Yet, I am told in the book of Colossians to do everything as unto the LORD, not men. Kinda changes my perspective and how I'll go about accomplishing all that is before me.

So my prayer as I go about this hectic, jam-packed day is that I may exude, feel, share, and know Heavenly Peace today. Like Ava so aptly depicts above.

And if you're in the same boat as I am today, know that I am praying the same for you.

1 comment:

Stephanie Lynn Burley said...

Oooohhhh, I'm with ya! Love the photos of all the kids!